Friday, June 18, 2010

Getting Crowded now...

The pups are growing fast and it is about time to change their pen again...

They love to stretch out and with eleven, they need more room now.

So - off they go - outdoors to play, so I can clean up and change it...

This little sweetie was still rather tired, so he stretched out on the cool cement for a nap.

Others were much more interested in playing...


  1. WOW! I see what you mean! Not that long ago they ALL fit in that little leaopard coloured puppy bed! Obviously, they're eating well! haha And whey you see them against your hand you can also see how they've grown. Georgeous...ALL of them!

  2. They are going for their first car ride on Monday (weather permitting) and get their first shots and micro-chipping done on the 25th! Growing up fast!
