Monday, January 18, 2010

Grooming Supplies - Scissors

Scissors are expensive, but worth the cost! Remember, your Lhasa will live a long time and will need a lot of trimming. It is worth it to purchase a pair of scissors you will be comfortable using, so I strongly recommend you go to a grooming supply store (or a dog show, as many vendors are there) and try them first.

From left to right, I use these scissors for:
Trimming coat, trimming foot pad hair, thinning hair in spots, cutting hair out between pads and around eyes, second pair of small trimmers (as I use these often and do not want to be "without" while my scissors are getting sharpened) and last - a pair of hemostats, for pulling ear hair when needed. Again - we will go over the use of all these items when you pick up your pups. I will teach you some tricks and show you haw to hold them for maximum control.

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