Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hi folks...
Got lots more pictures to share... just running on empty here! Time to get a few chores done...
Not simple when you are caring for three dogs and four puppies...
Yesterday was cleaning/laundry day, plus I took time off to clebrate the birthday and retirement of a good friend. I came back tired, but the dogs had all been sleeping while I was out, so no rest for the weary.
Up early to take care of pups, since I am going to drive in to the city to get winter tires off today, then pick up some groceries, then I'll come back and take care of pups and dogs...
Puppy visitors this afternoon, but I will download and post more pictures tonight, when I get a minute...
Ah! But I love my life - those puppy kisses make up for all the fatigue in the world~

1 comment:

  1. ahhh come on don't sound busy at all!!!! NOT! Soon you'll be able to get some rest....
